Wow, I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by! I have 3 days of work left. Three! I really am going to miss it there. I have been so fortunate to have jobs where I feel respected, empowered, listened to…and honestly enjoy my colleagues. I hope that I’m always that lucky. 🙂

Our apartment is pretty darn empty. Couch, coffee table- sold. Bed- sold, I THINK- people on Craigslist are so flaky. We’ve moved quite a bit to Martin’s parents house, making our living room look bare. Sofia moved out, taking the TV with her- in addition to her having been one of our sources of entertainment. Martin’s done with work and slowly packing things up for us. I have a farewell lunch on Monday at work, my last day Tuesday, my last personal training session at 6pm on Tuesday and then Sofia drives us to the airport at 6am Wednesday to fly to Long Beach, CA! We’ll be in California for ten days with the entire immediate family on my side, which we both are so looking forward to. My brother Neal will be getting his PhD in Philosophy from UC Riverside, so we’ll be celebrating that & lounging at the pool at my parents timeshare in Palm Springs…can’t forget the trip to Anaheim so Amelia (niece) can go to Disneyland for her sixth birthday! What a spoiled kid…:) Martin and I have opted out of going to the actual park ($$!) but will enjoy the couple days in Anaheim with Neal and Anna.

When we return, we have five days to get out our place before I take off for yet another vacation- VEGAS! I’ll be going with my good friends Sofia, Jen and Nicole and am very excited to get some girl time in before leaving for a year.

For the month of July, we’ll be kind of bouncing around with a more or less permanent address in Bellevue, with Martin’s parents. I plan on being down with my parents & sister’s family in Portland from July 3rd-14th- gotta get some boating and niece/nephew time in! Hopefully we’ll be able to squeeze in lots of time with friends during that month as well.

Seattle has been having a HEAT WAVE as of late…sort of making me dread the warm temperatures I hear frequent Shenzhen…:)

Until next time!